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A3 sized PDF poster - revision 1.0, published 2019
The latest update to Microsoft Windows 10 (May 2019 version 1903) includes new accessibility improvements to support visually impaired learners. This poster/infograph highlights the latest new tools including:
For more information on Windows accessibility and magnification tools see the blog articles:
New accessibility tools in Windows 10
Windows 10 tools to support visual difficulties
This poster is designed to be printed in A3.
Icons used in this poster are designed by Flaticon
Below is an accessible breakdown of the contents of the PDF poster, designed to be accessible with a screen reader, and also for people who find it hard to see or access the links in the poster.
The latest update to Microsoft Windows 10 (version 1903 and above) includes new accessibility improvements and enhancements that make your device easier to see or use without a screen.
Accessibility settings are all available in one place - Ease of Access: Windows Start Menu > Settings (cog icon) > Ease of Access (or type ‘Ease of Access' in the Windows Search box).
Change the size and colour of the mouse pointer and cursor.
Increase text size from 100% to 225% - applies to all Windows items such as folders, toolbars, menus and icons.
The Windows Desktop and applications can be increased incrementally from 100% to 175%.
Windows Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. With Magnifier you can:
Narrator is comparable to a fully fledge screen reader. Narrator reads on all Windows applications such as Microsoft Office, web browsers, and you can also use it to read aloud text as you type.
To make the most of Narrator use the new tutorials:
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