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Can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) help learners with dyslexia?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 2nd May, 2024

Category Dyslexia Assistive Technology

I apologise for the rhetorical question, but I've been considering it for the past few months, especially since I had to prepare for a webinar and workshop on the topic of dyslexia and artificial intelligence.

Initially, I found it difficult to disentangle the various components of AI. Although I had heard of ChatGPT, I had never used it and knew very little about it.

However, as I became more acquainted with the different AI platforms, I became aware of their potential for learners who are dyslexic or have ASN. Nevertheless, despite AI's advantages, there are certain things to be wary of, which I will address later. 

 Warning - sections of this blog were compiled using Generative AI 

Scroll down for more on:

What kind of AI can help?

Generative AI is currently the AI model that is used. According to IBM, Generative AI refers to deep-learning models that can generate high-quality text, images, and other content based on the data, e.g., Large Language Models (LLM) they were trained on. Since AI and LLM models are designed to process and make decisions based on data; data quality is critical to the model's accuracy and reliability.

Source: What is generative AI?

This short 2-minute animated video explains the benefits and potential issues surrounding generative AI. 

Generative AI, therefore can be used to create not only a range of teaching and learning resources, such as worksheets and lesson plans, but it can also be used to enhance or improve writing and much more, e.g.,  

And the brilliant Sora AI that creates videos from simple sentences

Below are examples of slides from the 'Using AI to Support Learners with Dyslexia' webinar. 


Potential threats and issues surrounding Generative AI in the class

As highlighted above Generative AI is based on Large Language Models (LLM) and the accuracy and reliability of these models should be critically considered, for example, who created them, what is their purpose and can we trust them when used by learners?

Other issues include:

Guardrails and safeguards should therefore be considered to ensure learner safety.

Using AI to Support Dyslexia webinar - watch the video recording 

It was difficult to compress everything into 20 minutes but hopefully, the video below gives a flavour of the various things I discovered when preparing for the workshop and the webinar

The video includes the following;

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