Posted by Kirsteen Steven on the 14th September, 2023
Alongside the symbol resources and the Grid 3 writing resources that my colleagues Joanna and Claire shared last week we also have created two clicker sets for each of the books. The Clicker Sets can each be opened with Clicker 8 software for Windows devices and Clicker Writer app for iOS.
For each book there are two types of Clicker sets that will support early writing activities and these can of course be adapted to meet the needs of your learners. You will find support to do this on the Clicker website if you are unsure.
These sets ar constructed so that our earliest of writers have the scaffolded support they might need; picture supports, modelled sentences to "view and copy" and all the words they need are there. For your more able learners, or once your learners are familiar with the text, you can then build in more challenge by editing your clicker set. This might be using "view and remember" the modelled sentence, by listening to it or there might be no model at all. For each book there are ten accompanying sentences.
All these possibilities for differentiation from one sentence set and just a few clicks!
The next step is the more complex sentence construction using clusters of words, phrases and symbolised support to build sentences. The book reviews have been constructed using the Connect Set template. There are options for simple sentences or for adding more details using connectives and joining punctuation if your learners are ready for this.
Again, we have lots of built in differentiation within this resource with a matter of a few clicks!
For each book the learner has the options to describe the content of the book, explain what they liked about the book, and also to decide what they might like to try next themselves in relation to the story theme or investigate more on the non-fiction topic.
The Clicker sets are available for anyone to download from our Symbols for All website. Scroll through the books to see what is available and look for the Clicker icon.
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