Our websites:
20th November, 2024
If you need to get in touch please phone the main answerphone on 0131 651 6236 or email call.scotland@ed.ac.uk and we will get back to you.
An innovative 10 week course using technology to support learners with Additional Support Needs is starting in February 2024.
The ASL Action Plan has just been updated but 'assistive technology' and 'digital learning' are not mentioned at all despite Scottish Government saying that "Digital learning must be at the core of Scottish education". This is not good enough.
Natural Reader has been a favourite text-reader for many years. It's simple to use, has a large 'play' button making it easy to target and press to read text, and it works extremely well with the Scottish voices.
Do you have an identified area of need for your personal or school professional learning? If so, it might be that we have already delivered training or hosted a relevant webinar that might be just what you are looking for.
4, 5, 8 and 10-week short study course which are supplemented with a series of online workshops.
30 minute online workshops delivered to your desktop.
Have you been accessing our free 20 minute Professional Learning webinars? We are approaching the end of our 2024 programme with only three remaining webinars to go. Fear not, our 2025 webinars are not available to book.
If your Special School or Specialist Provision in Scotland has been considering upskilling of staff on the use of Communication or Assistive Technology, our Specialist Provision Service Level Agreement could be the perfect solution.
respectme continues to offer e-Learning on anti-bullying in line with Respect for All.
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook