Posted by Allan Wilson on the 19th June, 2020
We were reminded today of the existence of Access:YouTube, which was developed by Access Technology North to provide a simpler interface to YouTube for people with additional support needs. We are not suggesting that people should spend long periods of time staring at YouTube videos, but there are t...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 10th April, 2020
iPads and Autism Spectrum Condition / Complex Needs / Communication Support Needs [This is the second of two blogs aiming to help people navigate their way through the large amounts of information on the CALL web site covering the use of iPad technology to help learners with additional support needs...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 9th April, 2020
In these difficult times many parents and teachers are looking for information on how to make the best use of technology that they may have to support a child or young person with additional support needs at home. This is the first of two blogs focuing on some of our information to help such a child...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 9th March, 2020
DyslexiFest, organised by Dyslexia Scotland, was held in The Barracks, Stirling on Saturday March 7th 2020. It was described as a "one-stop-pop-up dyslexia" event and included something for everybody with a personal or professional interest in dyslexia. In the morning session I gave a Mast...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 27th February, 2020
[Due to the ongoing public health situation posed by the Covid-19 virus, the decision has been made to postpone the Carers marketing campaign that was to launch on 30 March.] We have been asked by the Scottish Government Carers Branch to let people know that a campaign will be launched on March 30th...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 6th November, 2019
I had a phone call recently from a school trying to support an S6 pupil with severe dyslexia who is transitioning to an apprenticeship, involving work in an office environment. He is regarded as being capable and quite bright, but is struggling with reading written instructions and phoning people, w...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 20th September, 2019
We have been asked by Lee Gordon, a research student from Dundee University, to distribute information about a survey looking into the relationship between communication impairment, mental health and group identity. People with a disability needed for participation in an academic survey You are invi...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 20th September, 2019
Mark Jayes from Manchester Metropolitan University has asked us to make information available on a workshop being organised in Manchester by the I-ASC Project. I-ASC have been developing an evidence-based resource to support decision making for families and professionals involved in AAC assessment. ...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 18th June, 2019
Most web browsers now have a built-in "reading mode"* that allows the person viewing an article to remove clutter, making it easier to focus on the text. In most browsers this reading mode also allows text size and spacing to be enlarged, margins adjusted and the use of a text-to-speech fa...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 29th May, 2019
Most people think that it is good for people with dyslexia to learn to touch type to help them develop writing skills. But how does typing help, what is the evidence for this, and how should people learn to touch type? (This blog accompanies a webinar I am presenting on May 29th on Touch Typing for ...
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