Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 11th April, 2023
Category AAC Symbols
Children and young people with communication difficulties can have a wide variety of needs and teachers may need support on matching needs to AAC. This blog provides guidance, as well as information on creating communication activities and opportunities for using AAC in school.
Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 13th February, 2023
Category AAC Eye Gaze
How do we introduce and develop communication technology with learners who have complex communication and access needs?
This is a true story of an AAC user’s journey-from simple communication technology to high tech eye gaze access for communication and literacy.
Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 9th January, 2023
Category AAC
Communication Matters, the UK wide organisation for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) have recently announced that nominations are open for the national AAC Awards 2023. Held every two years, the purpose is to celebrate and recognise contribution to the world of AAC by either an AAC u
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