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Posted by Craig Mill on the 7th February, 2024
CALL Scotland provides a Pupil Assessment and Support service for individual children and young people in Scotland with additional support needs who require assistive technology and/or augmentative communication.
Referring a pupil for a technology assessment is made by the head teacher or a deputy head teacher, a local authority manager or an educational psychologist.
Here I offer a pupil case study, an example of an assessment (video) report; the stage following an initial referral, a school visit and a technology assessment.
If you are working in a local authority which has a Service Level (or 'Partnership') Agreement with CALL, contact us to find out who in your authority is responsible for processing referrals to CALL.
Find out more about the CALL Assessment and Support Service.
CALL's assessment approach is holistic and we use Joy Zabala's SETT framework to explore the:
However, a significant influence is the implementation of an Inclusive and Assistive Digital Technology Staged Intervention model as illustrated below. The staged intervention differentiates between 'Universal', 'Targeted' and 'Specialist' interventions/technology tools and strategies (more of this in the video below),
The example used is purely fictitious but is synonymous with many referred pupils.
'John' who is primary 5, was referred to CALL to support him with the following:
The short slide show below provides additional information.
Below is an example of John's handwriting (it was a long laborious, tiring and painful process and did nothing to help his confidence). With Clicker Writer his writing is neat, legible, and accurate and the quality of writing is impressive.
The following video report highlights suggested tools, technologies, resources and strategies. The video is also supplemented with a paper report containing links and additional information. Please note, that not all reports are in a video format as it will depend on the nature of the pupil's needs.
As well as the YouTube example below you can also view the report on Microsoft Stream which includes easy-to-follow chapters to aid navigation.
Please note; the video states the cost of £425 is for a one-year license, it should be for a 3-year license.
10-week short study online course
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