Posted by Claire Harrison on the 10th October, 2022
Category Communication Support Needs Assistive Technology
On a visit to a specialist base in a mainstream secondary last week, we explored some options for extending and developing a learner's switch access skills. I thought it might be helpful to share some of the technology tools we tried and compare their different features. This is by no means...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 28th September, 2022
Category Symbols Books for All
Once again, we’ve created a set of Grid 3 writing activities to accompany the Bookbug Picture Book Prize 2023, based on the three books that will be gifted to every Primary One learner during Book Week Scotland in November. Anyone with a copy of Grid 3 software can download these writing activ...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 26th August, 2022
Here in Scotland, learners returned to their classrooms this week and last. There’s some great stuff to be spotted via social media; teaching ideas and resources from simple assistive technology solutions to AAC resources for learners. So here are five nifty things for your information a...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 7th September, 2021
We’ve created a set of Grid 3 writing activities based on the 2022 books. These writing activities can be downloaded by anyone who has a copy of Grid 3 software. All this week we’re looking at the different resources which are available for the Bookbug Picture Book Prize Books. So far, ...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 2nd June, 2021
This is the third in our series of blogs highlighting various upcoming sessions at our 2021 ASL & Technology. Today we’re looking at sessions which may be helpful for people supporting learners who have Complex Needs. The ASL and Technology conference will be held online on Wednesday ...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 7th January, 2021
Back in March we shared some links to resources for learning at home during the first lockdown period and you can still read about them in the CALL Blog archive. Here are some more which we think you might find useful as we begin another period of learning at home. One of the many challenges of crea...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 20th October, 2020
For the last couple of years, we’ve made Eye Gaze accessible versions of the Bookbug books for children and young people who use Grid 3 software. This year, in addition these Grid 3 versions, we’ve created writing activity grid sets to scaffold and support literacy skills. There is a gri...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 23rd September, 2020
I’ve lost count of the number of ideas, links to resources and insightful discussions which I’ve benefitted from over many years via emails from the SLD Forum. The forum is a brilliant online community of mostly UK individuals involved in the education of children and young people with S...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 28th August, 2020
Changes for Boardmaker Online Subscribers, action required! We know lots of schools use Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) in Boardmaker software to create learning and communication activities. Boardmaker Online will under-go a significant change in the Autumn, becoming ‘Boardmaker 7’....
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 29th April, 2020
With the first edition of our App Wheel for Learners with Complex Needs first being published over a year ago, it’s now had its first refresh and update. The Complex Needs Wheel of Apps is in no way comprehensive, there just wouldn’t be a wheel big enough! What we’ve tried to do is...
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