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Craig Mill

Looking for an exciting and innovative course in technology and ASN?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 5th November, 2021

If so, then look no further. CALL Scotland, in partnership with Edinburgh University’s School of Professional Learning, will be running a 10-week introductory course, starting in February 2022 on technology to support additional support needs in education. The focus of the course will highligh...

Controlling the iPad with your voice!

Posted by Craig Mill on the 12th October, 2021

We all know that Siri on the iPad is good for lots of things such as asking about the weather, solving maths questions, dictating messages and writing documents, but are you familiar with Voice Control, a lesser-known tool in Accessibility that can do so much more than Siri? With Voice Control, you ...

Can mind mapping help to support learners with writing difficulties?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 2nd September, 2021

“I know what I want to write, I just can’t get it down on paper”. Does this sound familiar? I meet lots of learners who have great ideas, plenty of stories to tell, but struggle when it comes to the physical act of writing. A blank page whether it be paper or a word processor can b...

Creating Accessible Documents - a free Online Learning Module

Posted by Craig Mill on the 25th August, 2021

Last February I posted an article about a series of video guides I made on ‘Creating Accessible Documents and Formats’. Encouraged by the popularity of the video guides I thought it would be a good idea to consolidate all the guides into an online learning module, with an opportunity to ...

Free word prediction to support spelling

Posted by Craig Mill on the 2nd June, 2021

Word prediction can help support learners with spelling difficulties. Increasingly word prediction is being incorporated into the operating systems of devices such as 'Predictive' on the iPhone and iPad and 'Show Text Suggestions' in Windows 10. What is word prediction? Word predicti...

Making the most of PDF's to support VI learners

Posted by Craig Mill on the 19th May, 2021

Category Visual Impairment

The Portable Document Format (PDF) has been around for a long time. As well as being a free download, Adobe Acrobat Reader includes a range of tools to support learners with ASN, particularly learners with a visual impairment. The video tutorial below explores and highlights different tools in Adobe...

Live captioning in Google Chrome

Posted by Craig Mill on the 19th May, 2021

Providing captions is important as it makes video and audio more accessible to people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. What are captions? If you are unfamiliar with captions (or subtitles), they are words or sentences which are displayed on a screen such as a television, computer, tablet (and even p...

Text Predictions in Word Online - is it any good?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 6th April, 2021

Text Predictions is a word completion tool that can help to complete long or difficult words. Text Predictions is available in Word Online through Glow and Office 365. Text predictions - an overview Text Predictions is located in the Editor tool in Word Online. As well as Text Predictions, Editor in...

Distance viewing for VI learners - what are the options?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 16th March, 2021

"We want to streamline the pupil's equipment, how can you help?" I've been asked this a few times recently, mostly to do with pupils who have a visual impairment, who are moving into the later years of secondary school and have acquired a variety of devices to support their vision....

Creating Accessible Documents and Formats

Posted by Craig Mill on the 18th February, 2021

‘Creating Accessible Documents and Formats’ is a series of quick guides explaining how to create an accessible Word document and export it to a range of formats such as ePub, Large Print, PDF and more. There are 11 videos in total which are organised in a contextual YouTube Playlist, st...

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