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Posted by Craig Mill on the 24th November, 2022
The online natural text-to-speech voices on the Chromebook have improved in recent years. The 'Select to speak' tool, gives learners the option to hear the text on the screen and highlight parts of the text to improve focus. Google is increasingly rolling out more natural voices, including v...
Posted by Craig Mill on the 22nd November, 2022
Last week at CALL we had a demonstration of the OrCam products. I was initially sceptical at first as I saw the Orcam Eye at a conference a few years ago - it was attached to a rather long cable/battery pack and I thought it was a bit clunky. However, after the meeting I could see th...
Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 17th November, 2022
People all over Scotland are talking about Education as part of a National Discussion. A promise has been made to listen to the views of children and young people. Every child’s ‘voice’ in this discussion is important and their views will be listened to carefully and used to make S...
Posted by Craig Mill on the 10th November, 2022
In this article I consider the advantages and disadvantages of Immersive Reader and highlight some free alternatives. The popularity of built-in tools such as Immersive Reader (IM) and Read Aloud in Microsoft Word, Edge, Teams and OneNote can make a big difference to support learners with...
Posted by Craig Mill on the 9th November, 2022
Not my words, but one of the many positive comments from participants who have completed the free 'Technology to Support Dyslexia' module. What is the Technology to Support Dyslexia module? Technology to Support Dyslexia is an online, self-study module that explores how techno...
Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 27th October, 2022
Looking for some accessible Hallowe'en reading material? Why not download one of our spooky Bookbug books for your learners from the Books for All Database? From this year’s upcoming Bookbug Family bag there’s Scaredy Bat Download Scaredy Bat Or, why not br...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 10th October, 2022
On a visit to a specialist base in a mainstream secondary last week, we explored some options for extending and developing a learner's switch access skills. I thought it might be helpful to share some of the technology tools we tried and compare their different features. This is by no means...
Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 7th October, 2022
The first ever Scottish Digital Literacy Week is being held from 3rd to 7th October, 2022. Education Scotland’s Digital Skills Teams have a packed schedule of fun and informative sessions throughout the week focussing on a wide range of topics. What is Digital Literacy? Scottish Educati...
Posted by Paul Nisbet on the 3rd October, 2022
At the Dyslexia Scotland Conference on Saturday 1st October I asked "How can learners with dyslexia reach their potential with 1:1 technology?" and in the presentation I explored some challenges and hopefully, identified some solutions. I thought it might be helpful to write a few blo...
Posted by Claire Harrison on the 28th September, 2022
Once again, we’ve created a set of Grid 3 writing activities to accompany the Bookbug Picture Book Prize 2023, based on the three books that will be gifted to every Primary One learner during Book Week Scotland in November. Anyone with a copy of Grid 3 software can download these writing activ...
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