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The hidden reading support gem in Windows

Posted by Craig Mill on the 17th January, 2023

This guide explores the speech tool which is part of Windows Magnifier. It explains where to find it and how it can be used.

Looking for an exciting and innovative course in technology?

Posted by Craig Mill on the 12th January, 2023

This innovative and exciting 10-week online course is aimed at educators who would like to increase their knowledge on how technology can expand educational opportunities for learners with Additional Support Needs.

The benefits of word prediction to support learners with writing difficulties

Posted by Craig Mill on the 11th January, 2023

Word prediction or predictive text offers suggested words and phrases which closely match the first few letters that have been typed. It can help to reduce the number of keystrokes, by predicting the word you are typing, and the next word based on word frequency and context of what is being typed.

Opportunity to Recognise Excellence at AAC Awards 2023

Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 9th January, 2023

Communication Matters, the UK wide organisation for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) have recently announced that nominations are open for the national AAC Awards 2023. Held every two years, the purpose is to celebrate and recognise contribution to the world of AAC by either an AAC u

Voice Typing opens a whole new world of writing!

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 5th January, 2023

Do you have learners who can give you an answer orally but never transfer this down onto paper or into digital text? Do you need support on getting started with Speech Recognition? This course on 19th January will be perfect for you.

Free Professional Learning in 2023!

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 6th December, 2022

In an ideal world we would like to provide all our Professional Learning for free. We feel it is important and essential that there is a raised awareness of how transforming assistive technology can be to learners with Additional Support Needs. And for that reason, we want to spread the word through...

Free brilliant software tools to support writing

Posted by Craig Mill on the 1st December, 2022

Following on from an article I wrote on free software to support reading, this guide highlights some useful tools to help struggling writers. Rather than focus solely on Windows, here I explore technology that can be used across the 3 most popular devices: Windows, iPads and Chromebooks. &...

Looking for ready-Made festive resources for learners with Complex Needs?

Posted by Claire Harrison on the 1st December, 2022

Somehow it’s December 1st already, and it’s always a busy month in schools. So as a timesaver here's a collation of (mostly) free (mostly) symbol-supported holiday-themed activities for learners with Complex Needs. There’s some great stuff out there, from Sensory Stor...

Using Select to Speak with a Scottish voice on a Chromebook

Posted by Craig Mill on the 24th November, 2022

The online natural text-to-speech voices on the Chromebook have improved in recent years. The 'Select to speak' tool, gives learners the option to hear the text on the screen and highlight parts of the text to improve focus. Google is increasingly rolling out more natural voices, including v...

OrCam - fantastic technology for learners with reading difficulties and low vision

Posted by Craig Mill on the 22nd November, 2022

Last week at CALL we had a demonstration of the OrCam products. I was initially sceptical at first as I saw the Orcam Eye at a conference a few years ago - it was attached to a rather long cable/battery pack and I thought it was a bit clunky.  However, after the meeting I could see th...

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