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25th January, 2023

CALL Scotland

CALL Scotland
A Communication and Assistive Technology Newsletter

25th January, 2023

The CALL Scotland team have been working from home as much as possible. If you need to get in touch please phone the main answerphone on 0131 651 6236 or email call.scotland@ed.ac.uk and we will get back to you.

Our latest blogs

The benefits of word prediction to support learners with writing difficulties

Word prediction or predictive text offers suggested words and phrases which closely match the first few letters that have been typed. It can help to reduce the number of keystrokes, by predicting the word you are typing, and the next word based on word frequency and context of what is being typed.

Looking for an exciting and innovative course in technology?

This innovative and exciting 10-week online course is aimed at educators who would like to increase their knowledge on how technology can expand educational opportunities for learners with Additional Support Needs.

The hidden reading support gem in Windows

This guide explores the speech tool which is part of Windows Magnifier. It explains where to find it and how it can be used.

Free Professional Learning in 2023!

In an ideal world we would like to provide all our Professional Learning for free. We feel it is important and essential that there is a raised awareness of how transforming assistive technology can be to learners with Additional Support Needs. And for that reason, we want to spread the word through...

Training courses

90 minute Online Learning workshops - £40 per person per workshop.

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Free webinars

30 minute online workshops delivered to your desktop.

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Newsletter: join thousands of other people

Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.