Our websites:
28th August, 2024
If you need to get in touch please phone the main answerphone on 0131 651 6236 or email call.scotland@ed.ac.uk and we will get back to you.
Our popular 5 week course, Technology to Support Dyslexia, starts on 10th September 2024.
How straightforward is creating useful 3D-printed objects to support children and young people with Complex Learning Needs?
Doorway online, a collection of free and highly accessible educational activities, was recently transferred from the Doorway Trust to CALL Scotland and has been given a new makeover.
An interactive and engaging self-study online course for teachers, support staff, parents, and other professionals.
4, 5, 8 and 10-week short study course which are supplemented with a series of online workshops.
30 minute online workshops delivered to your desktop.
Starts this Thursday! A four week course for teachers, SQA coordinators, technical and digital learning leads and senior management who wish to understand how to implement digital assessment arrangements in SQA examinations.
Help empower a positive shift in systematic mindset by participating in our research - exploring attitudinal barriers to successful AAC implementation.
Is Communication or Assistive Technology a PEF or SIP priority next session for your special school or specialist provision?
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook