Our websites:
18th April, 2024
If you need to get in touch please phone the main answerphone on 0131 651 6236 or email call.scotland@ed.ac.uk and we will get back to you.
A range of tips for using Clicker's built-in tools for Windows, Mac, iPad and Chromebook.
One of the highlights of the year is the CALL Scotland ASL and Technology online conference. This year the conference will take place on Thursday 13th June 2024.
The Inclusive Digital Learning and Assistive Technology Staged Intervention triangle is designed to help us think about what learners require to ensure that they are included and can access digital learning, and who is responsible for supporting them.
A step-by-step guide on how to set up and use Per App settings to make specific apps more accessible.
90 minute Online Learning workshops - £40 per person per workshop.
30 minute online workshops delivered to your desktop.
This 8-week course has already started but we're still taking bookings and the resources and recording for week 1 are available when you book.
You can still purchase a recording of the sessions and you'll receive the resources as well!
Wednesday 1 May 2024, 9am – 3.30pm. Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Clydebank. Lunch & refreshments are provided. Car parking is free of charge.
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook