Our websites:
Posted by Craig Mill on the 20th November, 2023
This article explains how to create an interactive PDF using the built-in text box feature with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 15th November, 2023
CALL Scotland provide a programme of 20 minute webinars as free Professional Learning opportunities. These webinars are on a range of Assistive Technology topics all with the focus on supporting children and young people with Additional Support Needs.
Posted by Paul Nisbet on the 13th November, 2023
The Scottish Government pledged that every pupil will have a personal digital device by 2026 - how far have we come to achieving this goal?
Posted by Paul Nisbet on the 6th November, 2023
SQA are looking to speak to students who use or have used assessment arrangements in examinations, to hear about your experiences and to find out how the assessment arrangements process works and what you think about it.
Posted by Paul Nisbet on the 25th October, 2023
Read&Write for Google Chrome and OrbitNote for Chromebooks now have more Scottish voices plus the Ceitidh Gaelic voice. The voices are available in the free version of Read&Write as well as the Premium version.
Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 18th October, 2023
Assistive Access is a new feature in iOS17 which allows you to choose which apps you want to appear as large icons on your home screen. This is incredibly helpful for learners who only require a limited number of apps.
Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 18th October, 2023
This 'wheel' of Apps provides a categorised guide to iPad Apps for individuals with complex communication support needs, who may need to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Posted by Craig Mill on the 4th October, 2023
Google Lens is a great tool for searching by images and converting images with text into readable text.
Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 21st September, 2023
This online 10 week Technology for ASN in Education course will be of interest to education professionals who wish to promote inclusion, using assistive technologies.
Posted by Craig Mill on the 20th September, 2023
CALL is running its popular 5-week professional learning course, starting on Tuesday 24th October.
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook